2015 NEMBC Broadcasting Awards

Congratulations to this year’s winners of the NEMBC Broadcasting Awards, and thank you to everyone who nominated. We had a very strong field of nominees, showing the diversity and quality of ethnic and multicultural community radio in Australia.

2015 Program of the Year

Sinhalen Paya Dekak, Mountain District Radio in Melbourne, Victoria
Spanish Multicultural Program, City Park Radio in Launceston, Tasmania

2015 Women’s Program of the Year

Here Spanish Spoke, Hobart FM in Hobart, Tasmania

2015 Youth Program of the Year

The Kids Show, 2MFM, in Bankstown, New South Wales

Tony Manicaros Award

Still Nomads, 3CR Community Radio in Melbourne, Victoria



CBF President Peter Batchelor presenting 2015 NEMBC Program of the Year award to Maria Elena Chagoya, Spanish Multicultural Program presenter at City Park Radio.



ACT Women’s Rep, Nasreen Hafesjee (left), presenting NEMBC Women’s Program of the Year award to Sonia Parra, Here Spanish Spoke presenter at Hobart FM.



FECCA Secretary Parsuram Sharma-Luital JP (right), presenting Youth Program of the Year award to Abdul Ghannoum of Muslim Community Radio (2MFM).



Ayan Shirwa and Zakaria Sheik-Abdi from Still Nomads at 3CR receiving Tony Manicaros Award. Left to right: Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism and Citizenship, Michelle Rowland MP; George Zangalis, 3ZZZ; Zakaria Sheik-Abdi, Still Nomads; Ayan Shirwa, Still Nomads; Cristina Descalzi, 5EBI; Irene Tavutavu, 4EB.